In June 2016 I started at a code school called The Iron Yard in Austin, TX. I set out to get as much out of it as possible, as a result I spend 90–100 hours a week just coding away, and when I looked at my GitHub afterwards, there was a ~90 day streak. But after school, you no longer have that obligation to anyone besides yourself to keep programming.
But I did, I started just getting to 100. But really that didn’t feel like an achievement. I mostly just worked on my Portfolio and continued my Final Project So that didn’t really feel worthy of writing about. But I set out to keep growing my skill set, at a similar rate as which I did in class. I spent at least 8 hours a day coding and learning new things. Shortly after it just became a habit. The most enjoyable habit I’ve ever had!
I have learned so much in the past 100 days, I wouldn’t have had a chance to do if I had spent all my time job-searching or focusing on anything other than improving my skills. I learned Node, Python, I created my first neural net, second third. Now I’m working on a neural chat bot! And is beating the stock market, at a huge margin.
Having reached the 200 days mark, really doesn’t feel that significant. Maybe because I love what I do, but I’m definitely not planning on taking a day off anytime soon.
keep on coding!